
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bane, Catwoman & Batgirl Halloween

 I love parties! I love hosting a parties, decorating and having friends over. What I don't love is when I'm cranky and spoil things. Good golly, I ruin everything. Nevertheless people just ignored me and my cranky behavior and the party went on.  Here are a (*ahem*) "few" pictures of the evening half of which consist of us just because I'm vain like that. ;)

 Bane! What a guy! I think secretly Jakob and I both want to get all dressed up again. We had so much fun being Bane and Cat Woman.

 And who could forget little Bat Girl?

 Here's a better picture of her little wings. Good golly, I can't get enough of her! Halloween should happen twice a year!

 When Jakob first came down the stairs with his head shaved and his contacts in Ethnie started to freak out a bit. He sounded like her Daddy but he totally didn't look like her Daddy. She kept a close eye on him for the rest of the evening but she had no problems with us in our masks. Further evidence this is no girly girl!

 The Batman family.

 This is how the movie should have ended ;).

 Mom and Dad were nice enough to stop by and help with things before our guests arrived. We sure do love and appreciate them!

 There were LOTS of snacks which included monster apples, sand "witches", bean dip, duffle (truffle with only two layers), and the prize winning Halloween colored bunt cake. Silly me I forgot to take pictures.

 I did snap a shot of my Skeleton bones though. Love them!

Our guests: Ryan was Spongebob only he grabbed the girl one? I couldn't tell the difference.

David and Britni. He was the companion cube off of the game Portal and Britni was the player. 

 Steven and Amanda were Maverick and Goose.

 Funny thing was Steven and James showed up in the exact same costume only James was Goose and Steven was Maverick. They didn't even coordinate either. Jakob and I won best costume but we passed the prize onto Steven. :)

Then it was Haunted Mansion Time!! This is my favorite!

 Jakob made a hamburger and fries. Lame. Totally NOT a Haunted Mansion!

 Chuck and Emily came as eachother. Thier house looked pretty quaint from the front but in the back there was a decapitated gummy bear who was being eaten by a zombie. Graphic I know! 

 The winner of the Haunted Mansion competition was David with his "Rise of the Peasants" theme.

 A closer look at the winning house.

 Everyone's final product. I love Stevens tower! Ligit!

It was a fun evening and I loved having everyone over. I can hardly believe Halloween has come and gone. It's time to bring on the turkey! Thanksgiving is on my birthday this year. Best birthday dinner EVER! I just love this time of year.

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