
Monday, February 2, 2015

Kids Activites

 It is feeling festive here in Nashville. The weather is getting cooler, the perfect fall weather, leaves are starting to change, and our ward Trunk or Treat is this weekend. If that doesn't get you in the mood I'm not sure what will!

We kicked off our week with a cat craft. E really likes kitty's (from a distance of course) and was pretty excited when I asked her if she wanted to make a cat. She did all of the painting and most of the taping by herself. She is becoming very independent which is both good and bad. Things take much longer when she wants to fly solo. 

 She was so excited to put a purple nose and whiskers on it. I still think her favorite color is blue but purple is getting up there. 

 We painted E's nails for the first time. She loved it. We started out with blue sparkles, then she wanted purple, the she wanted orange. So we had a few layers. She was so cute and she sat very still while she waited for them to dry. 

 We made skeleton hands out of cotton swabs. E had a great time making the hand prints and then gluing on the swabs. She got board half way through hense why only one hand is complete. 

 A package of diapers came so we had to make a fort. The kids love forts. E even tried to convince me that she could take her nap in the fort instead of her bed.

 Mama plugged the kids in most of the day to get some things ready for the trunk or treat and to clean the house a bit. In an attempt to entertain the little man I filled up a baggie with some paint and he was to swoosh it around. All he wanted to do was rip it off the wall. It was a good thought, perhaps when he's a bit older. 

E enjoyed the finger painting without the mess. It was a great week. I can't hardly believe we are into the last week of OcTobler?!

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