
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Valentines Week

Since our budget is tight (student debt, saving to buy a house and thinking about having another baby will do that to a person.) We opted to go for small and simple this year. So here is a round up of Jakob's gifts.
Day 1:
A glow stick with a note saying "You're the Obi-Wan for me." So cheesy, so cute!

Day 2:
A stick with a note saying "Stick with me!" It really doesn't get better than that and even though he acted a bit disappointed when he opened his back pack that day, he says that it was one of his favorites. 

Day 3:
I've got a crush on you!

Day 4:
I just loved this card I found on Pinterest so I made one for Jakob. 

 I had some popcorn kernels to give him but I forgot.

Day 5:
Jakob love camo and he can usually be found wrapped up in his "woobie" every evening. So I got him a camo blanket. The note says "Let's cuddle (so I can steal your body heat) and watch Star Wars!" Jakob is always complaining that I steal all of his body heat because I am so clad all the time. It's true, I'm like an ice cube!

 Day 6:
 On a bit of a friskier note I made a little lingerie card. 

I really just love it and it was so simple to make!! .

Day 7:
 Ever since Jakob and I were engaged (since we never dated) we would write each other love notes. I just love looking back and reading them. So for our last day we exchanged love notes. It is by far my favorite! That's a wrap for the Hubby now onto the kiddos!

Day 1:
Glow Sticks this is also what I made their classes at Church. Cheap and simple!

Day 2:

Day 3:
Coloring books with "You color my world with happiness!"

Day 4:
Sour patch kids.

Day 5:
I wrote a secret message on a piece of paper with white crayons and they had to paint them to find out what it said. 

 Day 6:


For their last day I put some chocolates, a puzzle and another coloring book in their little back packs. E just loved waking up each morning and checking to see what goody she and Duke got! It was so much fun!

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