Duke's party has finally arrived! Poor kid's birthday was n August and we just finally celebrated! We went with a fire truck theme this year and he was in heaven! So great! I decorated all of the windows with construction paper flames. It really added a lot of punch with very minimal effort!
Part of the gift table. I got the puppy at a thrift store for $.25 and I am obsessed with these hydrants!
I followed
this tutorial and they turned out just perfect and even better, they were free!!! I did spray paint miny hydrants black first and then I sprayed them red. I loved the antique look it gave them.
The other side of the gift table.
The chalkboard in the kitchen.
I saw this
little fireman craft here and I loved the idea of having a wall of firemen. the craft was a bit too complicated for our crowd however. (Most kids were three and under.) I would have had them already made up and then just let the kids decorate them, or just scraped the whole idea.
I really liked the birthday banner. I found the
images here and I just printed them out. I realized they are embroidered but I didn't care. It turned out great.
Duke wasn't all that thrilled about not being able to play with his fire trucks so we replaced them with his pinata. The pinata was simple, not my favorite and if I make a car or vehicle pinata again, I will spray paint them like the obstetrical course trucks below. It did the job, and the kids liked it but it wasn't as awesome as
the mermaid.
More flames on the mirror.
The food table was super simple. I spray painted a few boxes silver and added construction paper windows. Then Jakob added the flames on the roof.
Food table all done up. This year I went for simple! This was my first party completely solo (as in no Mom Tobler or Daddy van den Berge there to help me) and Simple food was a huge it! We had Fire House Pizza, Flaming Jello, red orange and yellow peppers, and strawberries, oranges, and bananas. It was perfect!
We made up some cupcakes for the fire men. They were supposed to look like flames, but the red wasn't very red this time around and the were in hello kitty wrappers. :) It actually made me laugh.
Time to party!!!
We went to the fire house for a tour and it was fabulous!!! First they played a movie about fire safety.
Then one of the guys dressed up in full gear to show the kids what he looked like and to help them not to be scared of him. This guy was 6' 6" and seemed like a giant. They even hooked up his oxygen tank so he'd sound like Darth Vader.
High fives!!
Time to see the house!
And the best part! Climbing on the trucks!!
Showing the kids some fun gadgets. This one shows heat signatures and helps the fire fighters to see in the smoke.
The adults were pretty into the tour too which made it super fun!!
All buckled in and ready to go!!
These guys were amazing!!! Chatty, took thier time with us, answered everyone's questions. Seriously it was just fantastic and it made Bears day!!
They let Bear hold the fire hose!
The boys! Elliot, Duke and Cash.
Duke was just in heaven! I tried to get him to load up to go to his party and he just hung his head and cried. He could have moved into one of their bunks. The fire fighters said he could come knock on the door any time and say hi. I may just take them up on that!
We came home and they kids worked on the craft while I set out food.
And then I forgot to take a picture with all of the fire fighters. Silly Mama!
We ate, got our faces painted and then we headed outside to do our obstacle course.
So happy with how the trucks turned out!
Our obstacle course.
We started with suiting up and then sliding through the tunnel.
Then they had to get into the trucks and weave through the fire hydrants.
I just printed off some fire hydrants and laminated them.
Then they had to put out the fire on the shed.
And finally rescue the kitty from the tree.
It was a lot of fun, and then it started pouring so we raced inside!
Time for magic!
And the pinata!!
Then it was time for CAKE!!!
Perfect no, but that smile makes it more than perfect!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Happy birthday sweet boy!! I can't believe that you are four. Thank you so much to everyone who came to make Duke feel special and a HUGE thank you to the fire station and to those men who not only made Duke's day, you work hard to keep us safe and I am so thankful for you!