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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Things that Go Quiet Book - Fire Truck

This is hands down my favorite page in the book, or quite possibly any of my books! While this page is a big more intense to make, it is SO worth it! I was so beyond excited while I was drafting this pattern up that I just couldn't go to sleep until it had been made in it's entirety.

Pull down on the window tab and there are windows....

Pull up.. FIRE!!!!! How cool is that?! 

The window and fire are behind plastic windows so that they won't snag or get ruined. 

The fire truck has some super fun features as well!

Unsnap the hose...

Put out the fire!!

Pull up the ladder to reach the house! I seriously just can't get enough of this page! Every time I take this book out for my son to play with THIS this is the page he turns too first! So much fun!

This pattern for this page is available for purchase via my Etsy shop and as always thank you so much for your support and interest in my work!

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